
Wyoming  |  New Mexico  |  Colorado  |  Nebraska

In 1879 Albert H. Huston homesteaded what is now know as the Silver Spur Ranch in Encampment, Wyoming. It is located in the North Platte Valley, surrounded by the Rocky Mountain and Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges. During the summer months cattle graze on IMG_6129forest and mountain allotments, meadows or native sage brush country. Winter months bring the cattle closer to home in preparation for calving. The Encampment ranch divisions include; Headquarters, Cow Creek, Hanging Bull, Elk Hollow, Bar M, VX, Mill Iron and Cedar Creek and the Basin.

Each Division has its own story of those who came before and homesteaded what is the modern day Silver Spur.

The Sidley

Cedar Creek

Mill Iron History

Stories of the current Hanging Bull

History of the Bar M

History of the VX
